Robclav: Flujo configuración hives |
Gents(And ladies?), he recibido un correo de E.Q comentándome que no encuentra documentación aceptable de Aerohive, y veo que es verdad. Os dejo un pequeño diagrama de flujo de configuración recomendada de estos equipos, y la primera página del capítulo de configuración de los hives. Os recomiendo que pidáis esta documentación vía la web de soporte del fabricante o mayorista.
Conceptos importantes:
- Los equipos llevan dos radios, se pueden utilizar para acceso o para wifi mesh. Otra opción es dedicar una radio a mesh y otra a acceso.
- La configuración es en árbol invertido, salen pocas opciones que se van ampliando conforme vamos creando ssids, perfiles, Qos o reglas de firewall.
- La configuración via el hivemanager, ahora es más sencilla gracias al nuevo asistente.
Chapter 11 Basic Configuration Examples
This chapter introduces the HiveManager GUI in Enterprise mode through a series of examples showing how to create a basic configuration of an SSID, hive, and WLAN policy. It then explains how to connect several HiveAPs to HiveManager, accept them for management, and push the configuration to them over the network.
Note: Although maps provide a convenient method for organizing and managing your HiveAP deployment, they are not strictly required and are not covered in this chapter. For information about using maps, see "Example 1: Mapping Locations and Installing HiveAPs" on page 142.
You can look at any of the following examples individually to study how to configure a specific feature or view all of them sequentially to understand the basic workflow for configuring and managing HiveAPs through HiveManager. The examples are as follows:
• "Example 1: Defining an SSID" on page 124 Define the security and network settings that wireless clients and HiveAPs use to communicate.
• "Example 2: Creating a Hive" on page 127 Create a hive so that the HiveAPs can exchange information with each other to coordinate client access,
provide best-path forwarding, and enforce QoS policy. • "Example 3: Creating a WLAN Policy" on page 128
Define a WLAN policy, which contains the SSID and hive defined in the first two examples. • "Example 4: Connecting HiveAPs to HiveManager" on page 129
Cable two HiveAPs to the network to act as portals and set up a third one as a mesh point. Put the HiveAPs on the same subnet as HiveManager and allow them to make a CAPWAP connection to HiveManager.
• "Example 5: Assigning the Configuration to HiveAPs" on page 136 Assign the WLAN policy to the HiveAPs. Also, change HiveAP login settings and—if necessary—country codes.
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