Hi Folks, these weeks I was working in a Paloalto Networks Firewall integration with E-Directory. In order to did that, Palaolto said to us, we must to upgrade the customer E-directory to higher release or forget it. The same answer for other LDAP connections. At this point, a friend of mine, David Rivas decided to create a Perl script to solve it, and IT WORKS GREAT!! So, all that you to do is:
- Save the scipt to a perl file(edirectory.pl for instance).
- Download the perl module. http://www.perl.org
- Download the PAN API for User-id identification from the PAN support site.
- Run both scripts, they will talk together.
- Check it at the paloalto using: show pan-agent or show user pan-agent statistics
- Write me a comment ;)
Obviously, you can find more info at: https://live.pa loaltonetworks. com/thread/2175
You can find more information about David Rivas at
You can find more information about David Rivas at
BUT, if you need more help about this problem, don't hesitate to contact me.
# Created by David Rivas. Barcelona 2011
# Comments added by Robclav
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use PAN::API;
use Net::LDAP;
#put the domain of e-directory
my $domain = "dominio";
#put the ip address of e-directory server
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new ( "" ) or die "$@";
#put ldap credentials, user and password
$ldap->bind ( "cn=user,dc=$domain", password => "password", version => 3 ); # use for changes/edits
#this sub creates a LDAP search
sub LDAPsearch
my ($ldap,$searchString,$attrs,$base) = @_ ;
if (!$base ) { $base = "dc=$domain"; }
if (!$attrs ) { $attrs = ['cn','networkAddress' ]; }
my $result = $ldap->search (
base => "$base",
scope => "sub",
filter => "$searchString",
attrs => $attrs
my @Attrs = ();
#you can consult all attributes using @Attrs instead of 'networkAddress'
my $attrs = ['cn', 'networkAddress' ];
#loop to check e-directory information every 20 seconds
sleep 20;
my $result = LDAPsearch($ldap,"sn=*",$attrs);
my $href = $result->as_struct;
my @arrayOfDNs = keys %$href ;
foreach (@arrayOfDNs) {
my $valref = $$href{$_};
my @arrayOfAttrs = sort keys %$valref;
my $attrName;
my $userName ='';
my $IPAddress= '';
foreach $attrName (@arrayOfAttrs) {
# skip any binary data:
next if ( $attrName =~ /;binary$/ );
# get the attribute value (pointer) using the
# attribute name as the hash
$attrVal = @$valref{$attrName} ;
#print " @$attrVal \n";
#print "$attrName \n";
$string = 'networkaddress';
if ($attrName eq $string) {
#print "\t $attrName: @$attrVal \n";
$network = "@$attrVal \n";
#printf "variable entera: $network \n";
($type,$rest) = split(/#/,$network);
#uncoment next line to debug the information obtained of e-directroy
#printf "Type: %d # Rest: %vd\n", $type, $rest;
if ($type==1 || $type==9) {
#change the substring values 2, and 4 to select correctly the bytes (substrng)
#that corresponds to the ipaddress
$addr = substr($rest,2,4);
#print "substring: $addr \n";
$ip_addr = sprintf("%vd\n", $addr);
#print "decoded ip: $ip_addr";
$networkAddress = $ip_addr;
$IPAddress = $networkAddress;
} else {
$user = "@$attrVal";
$userName = $user;
#Only sends information of users that have networkAddress
#the users that are not logged would be excluded
if($IPAddress ne ''){
print "$userName $IPAddress \n";
#put the useridagent ip
$useridagent = '';
$useridapi = PAN::API::UID->new($useridagent);
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